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It's been a hot second (2 years if we're counting)

Writer: leahglickmanleahglickman

Coucou chers lecteurs, and hello dear readers!

It’s been quite a while since I’ve sat down and written a bit of blog … so it’s safe to say we have some catching up to do!

2021 had its ups and downs, with the end of the year and the beginning of 2022 hitting hard with the winter months and some personal stuff. But it was nothing this franglais fille couldn’t handle!

The Highs

👩‍💻 Progressing at work professionally and finding my stride in the Marketing world!

🏡 Les colocs d’amour (just until we finally broke up the band and started moving out one by one).

⛱️ A quick week-end trip to Collioure with friends amongst curfew restrictions

🥾 Lots of hikes to discover the Pyrenees in between lockdowns

🇺🇸 Heading home a bit more regularly in 2021 and a whopping total of 4 times in 2022 for bachelorette parties, graduations, being in my best friend’s wedding and more!

🌊 Discovering Basque Country (and the nearby Landes) region twice in 2021 and spending a week there this year on vacation!

🌴 Discovering more of la côte Atlantique in 2022 with trips to Cap Ferret and Arcachon

🎉 An all American birthday party with ma coloc and une amie !

🎿 Ski trips to tackle the bunny slopes

📦 Moved out of the coloc and into my own place #solo

🇪🇸 Work trip to Mallorca

🥐 Headed to Paris for a work conference by myself!

☀️ Taking a trip back to Nice for the first time since 2019 and getting to show off all my favorite spots!

🏕️ First trek with 30+ km and 1,8m D+

😋 And, bien sûr, lots and lots of good eats, new restaurants and recipes!!

some snapshots of the past few years!

The Lows

et non ! We’re not here to relive the past, just learn from it!

The Nexts

Lot’s of exciting things on tap this year and next … I’m gearing up to move again in October which I’m pumped for, we have our annual work trip to Marrakesh this year (going to be able to check another continent off my bucket list), and I get to renew my visa this year. Obviously I’m a little less stoked for the last one because qui dit visa renewal dit French paperwork which everyone knows is my favorite thing in the world! However, that means 4 years of baguettes, randonnées, trips around the country, wine, new friends and more has flown by and I can safely say I’m very excited for this next season of Lele in Toulouse … it’s like Emily in Paris except less dramatic and I speak French (not holding out for the hot neighbor 😂 ).

I’ve got some more posts coming your way soon that will take you around this beautiful country I get to call home so stay tuned!

As always,

Peace, Love and Lots of Cheese,

xx lele


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